b'AAD PROFESSIONALLEARNING COMMUNITYTeachers participate in the AADs free professionaldevelopment to come together with scholars andmuseum professionals to dive deeply into history,political theory, and pedagogy.Members study how the ideals and realities of democracy played out in ancient Athens, at the founding of the United States, and in Americanpolitical and social movements across time.They are challenged to craft effective lessons fortheir specific classrooms that bolster their socialstudies curricula.CTLE hours are provided.T H E R E S I D E N C Y W A S S U C H A F A N T A S T I CE X P E R I E N C E F O R M E A N D M Y S T U D E N T S . I H A V E S OM A N Y N E W I D E A S A B O U T M Y T E A C H I N G F O R N E X TY E A R B A S E D O N T H I S E X P E R I E N C E . W H A T A G I F T ! Teacher, Spruce Street School'